# haiku library

## User-defined mechanism requirements

- **haiku** requires user to provide his own allocations, assertions and logging mechanisms:
    * `hk_user_assert_t`: a user-defined assertions (`assert` and an optional user context)
    * `hk_user_logger_t`: a user-defined logging (`log` and an optional user context)
    * `hk_user_memory_allocator_t`: a user-defined memory allocations (`alloc`/`free`/`realloc` and an optional user context) 

- The current C99 implementation **does not** provides a default/fallback mechanism but it can be trivially implemented using the standard library functions. A simple implementation is provided inside the [online sample repository](https://gitlab.xlim.fr/haiku/haiku-samples).

- To properly initialize the haiku module, the user call `haiku_module_create` and specify function pointer to appropriate struct members: 

    .assertion = {.assert_fn = my_sample_assert},
    .logger    = {.log_fn    = my_sample_logger},
    .allocator  = {
        .realloc_fn = my_sample_realloc,
        .alloc_fn   = my_sample_alloc,
        .free_fn    = my_sample_free,
// [...]

For the graphics library, the function `haiku_module_create` is wrapped and replaced by a mandatory call to function `hkgfx_module_create` (and equivalent destroy function). 

.. doxygenstruct:: hk_user_assert_s

.. doxygenstruct:: hk_user_logger_s

.. doxygenstruct:: hk_user_memory_allocator_s

.. doxygenfunction:: haiku_module_create

.. doxygenfunction:: haiku_module_destroy