This page will help generating the current documentation.
To generate this documentation offline, it requires Doxygen
, Sphinx
and its extensions breathe
, recommonmark
and sphinx-inline-tabs
To facilitate the installation, I suggest using a conda environnment :
# We start by installing doxygen
$> sudo apt install doxygen
# Now we create a custom environnement and activate it,
# you can use one of yours if you already have one.
$> conda create --name my_doc_env
$> conda activate my_doc_env
# Now we install Sphinx using conda, Sphinx must have a version greater than 2.0
$> conda install sphinx
# To install the required extensions, we use the conda-forge channel:
$> conda install -c conda-forge breathe
$> conda install -c conda-forge myst-parser
$> conda install -c conda-forge sphinx-inline-tabs
You can now configure the cmake build system using the following commands:
# Moving to the build directory
$> cd build/
# You can toggle the following option
To generate the documentation, you can launch the following command in an activated conda
$> cmake --build . --target Documentation